Choosing Rest Over Hustle
The alarm went off at 5:30 am, as it usually does. I didn’t want to get up though.
I wanted rest.
We had been up a little later than usual for a midweek soccer game (go Rowdies!) and I was tired.
Here’s the thing…we live in a culture that doesn’t celebrate rest. That doesn’t value it. That values the hustle, productivity, doing not being. And I have been working hard to unweave and release that from my soul.
I know that my body and soul don’t thrive under those circumstances.
I know that over-efforting doesn’t work for me, that over-productivity negatively impacts my health and well-being.
But for so many years I bought into the idea that my worth and value came from my production, from the hustle.
I was trapped in the web of doing more, more, more…and I was unwell. I came to the edge of burnout (and fell over the cliff) multiple times and at those times my body said “no more” and rendered me incapable of continuing (in the form of chronic illness).
“My worth and value come from being me, not from my productivity. ”
Maybe you can relate? You work and hustle and push but still feel the need to do more.
It has been an ongoing exploration for me for many years, this tension between doing and being…hustling and flowing. It’s been such a part of my life that I even signed up for a mastermind group focused on being wildly successful and also well rested.
So when the alarm went off at 5:30 am and I wanted rest…I took it. I stayed in bed. I rolled over and snuggled back under the covers.
I heard the old voice in my head telling me that rest was wrong, that I had to get up and get busy, the voice reminding me that my value is based on my productivity.
But now I know better. I know that my worth and value come from being me, not from my productivity. I know that rest is vital to being my best self.
I know that the hustle doesn’t align with who I am authentically and how I best function in the world.
I know that I can do my best work, be my best self, from a place of resting back into the flow around me rather than over-efforting.
And…often I rest…
With love and care,
Want to do some 1:1 work with me? Click here to schedule a Soul Ignition Call.