Business as usual…what does that even mean?

Have you ever wondered about the phrase business as usual?

I am working on my book about my healing journey following my mom’s death and I use this phrase a lot. I use it a lot because I felt it a lot when I was grieving…the push to get on with things, get over the loss, get back to work…as if my grief, my pain, this loss meant nothing.

But to me, it meant everything. Have you ever experienced this push?

Business as usual tells you to stick with the status quo, stay in your lane, keep yourself in the box that culture tells you is where you should be…(I don’t know about you but I’ve never done well in a box).

“Business as usual … puts our productivity above us as people.”

Business as usual is a phrase created by the system of patriarchy to keep us in our place. To keep us other focused. To keep us from fully expressing our creativity, our emotions, our power, our authenticity.

When it comes to grief this phrase is the one that pushes us to get over the loss, to get back to being productive, to move on. It is the phrase that encourages us NOT to feel our feelings, to stuff them down, ignore them.

Business as usual puts our productivity above our emotional, spiritual, and soul needs. It puts our productivity above us as people.

It’s time to buck the system…

How would you feel if you could take the time you needed to heal when you needed it? Even if just a few minutes each day.

How would it feel if you could listen to your soul’s needs and respond to them without being trapped in cultural chains?

I've been working in this realm for some years and it feels pretty damn good to break out of those chains holding me back.

I’ve got some offerings in the works to do just this…free your soul from the threads of patriarchy holding you back.

Ready to learn more? See how one of my soul weaving experiences can help you buck the status quo.


Madonna’s an ICON…and still shackled by the same chains as the rest of us