This is going to be my life for the next 50 years?!

Soul Healing: Embracing Unapologetic Authenticity

Have you ever woken up and lamented, this is going to be my life for the next 50 years?! How did I get here? Who even am I?

I have. And it sucked. It stole the breath from my body and frankly, made it hard to even get out of bed

It was those thoughts that launched my journey into figuring out who the fuck I am in this world. My journey into unapologetic authenticity.

When I had those thoughts I was married to my first husband. He was a good guy but he wasn’t the guy for me. I married him because he was nice and I hadn’t had any nice guys in my life.

But…that wasn’t enough. The person I was in that marriage wasn’t the real me. She had no wants and desires. She was a cardboard cutout of Emy. She did what she thought she needed to do to survive, to get love. She had no idea who she really was. She lived by the script created for her by the society that she lived in. She didn’t really have substance.

I was stuck. I was lost.

And finally, I had had enough. After waking up with that thought for countless days I realized that something had to change. Maybe everything had to change.

I realized that something had to change. Maybe everything had to change.

I got divorced.

And finally, it was time to find my way home to my true self.

I vividly remember contacting my old therapist and telling her that I wanted to embark on a journey of self discovery, that I wanted to find myself.

I was done being who the world told me I should be. It was time to fully meet my Self.

Therapy was a great start but didn’t offer me the soul healing and deep understanding of my own worthiness that I truly needed. Something was still missing but I didn’t quite know what it was yet.

Fast forward to 2017, I was now 42, and my mom lost her battle with pancreatic cancer. Her death shattered me and left me feeling, once again, like I had no idea who I was in the world anymore. The degree to which it left me lost really startled me.

I felt untethered, like dust floating in the breeze. It felt like with Mom’s death I had nothing to anchor me to the ground. I knew I needed to take time to fully focus on my healing. It wasn’t so much about the grief, though that was there.

It was about repairing my shattered soul. And figuring out once again who I was in the world. Who I was after this profound change.

This time though I knew that what I needed was much deeper than therapy. It was deep, transformational soul healing.

I dedicated 10 months completely to this journey of healing, and found my way home, once again to unapologetic authenticity. In doing so, deepened my connection to spirit, my Self, and healed so many wounds that had plagued me for so much of my life.

I truly believe that the more we meet ourselves, as women, and step into the power of unapologetic authenticity, the more we become who we really are rather than who the world has told us we should be the more we can change and heal the world.

If you’re ready to get started, book a Soul Ignition Call. Let’s talk.

Meeting you from my own unapologetic authenticity,



I Used To Be So Shiny…


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